Tuesday, January 10, 2012

NephiCode: January 2011

Discussion about why Baja California is not the Nephite lands.

NephiCode: January 2011:

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Science Experiment : Why is a Full Moon So Bright? | The Happy Scientist

MoonImage by penguinbush via FlickrImage via WikipediaThe relation of the phases of the Moon with it...Image via Wikipedia
So the moon is not as bright on a half moon because the direction of the light has to change in bouncing off the moon! OHhhh!

Science Experiment : Why is a Full Moon So Bright? | The Happy Scientist:

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MyAlgebra - Solve Your Algebra Problems Online

Tithe Tenth Mormon
Image by More Good Foundation via Flickr
We needed to calculate how much Joshua needed to earn, have money for tithing, and have $10,000 left. We used this website to calculate the equation. Later I realized it is just x/.9 x=amount needed to have for spending after tithing is paid.

MyAlgebra - Solve Your Algebra Problems Online:

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Missionary (LDS Church) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Provo Missionary Training Center entrance
Image via Wikipedia
Joshua and I needed to calculate how much more money he needed to earn for his mission plus. We learned from this web site that the cost of a mission as of April 2010 is USD$400 per month.

That means he needed $9400. We decided to save $10,000 to have enough for spending money.

Missionary (LDS Church) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

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