Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hatchet/Newbery Summer - Gary Paulsen - Google Books

Cover of "Hatchet"
Cover of Hatchet
Hatchet/Newbery Summer - Gary Paulsen - Google Books

I finished the book Hatchet.  I really enjoyed it.  I liked how he learned to be patient.  He found a survival kit and he wasn't sure he liked the ease of doing things it gave him.  He was able to accomplish almost impossible things because he didn't have tools beyond his hatchet and he was alone and had to do it for himself to survive.  It is good to be in a community, but sometimes we tend to think we cannot do things by ourselves since we can go get help, and then we don't learn that amazing feeling of accomplishing things by ourselves.
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Simple balloon dragon - YouTube

Simple balloon dragon - YouTube  I like how he bent the wings to make them much more artistic.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pixel Based vs Vector Based

pixel based -,

vector based - allows scaling, Logos (need big and small version),

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