Sunday, February 14, 2010


The Minoans Civilization was on the island of Crete from 2700 B.C. to  1450 B.C.  We don't know anything about them except from the remains of their cities and some writings.   They all died off around 1450 B.C.  They may have died off from the effects of a volcano that exploded and destroyed one of their cities.  The volcano allowed archeologists to discover the history of Minoans.

This web site is well written.  I like this quote:
We know of the Minoans only through their ruins. Splendid as they are, with their remarkable architectural logic, their hypnotic art, and the richness of cultural artifacts, they spoke a language we don't understand and they wrote in a script which we can't read. So the voices of the Minoans, their stories, their history as they understood it, is lost to us. Even if we do by some miracle decipher their writing and penetrate the mists of their language, we may not end up with much of anything. For all of their writing seems to be one thing: accounts and records. The Minoans were, after all, a great mercantile people and they kept profoundly accurate records of their transactions.

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