Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pancacke Recipe and the Checklist to get into Heaven

In listening to a lesson on Love in church today they were discussing the commandments.  We are told to follow them.  There are a lot of them.  How do you not get lost in the checklist mentality of getting into Heaven?  The answer was to focus on what is the greatest commandment, or in other words what is the goal or the reason behind the commandments.  Understanding the intentions of God really helps us to truly follow the commandments in the spirit they were given.

So how does this relate to pancakes?  Following a recipe is much like following the commandments.  It is important to know what the goal is... to make yummy tasting pancakes.  (It would also be nice if they were a bit healthy too.)  The checklist of commandments are like the directions in the recipe.  It is really important that you put in 2 eggs, not 20.  Adding the baking powder before the salt is not really important, but both need added.  

So, in conclusion, when making pancakes and when loving, we can follow the rules to obtain the goal.  We must not forget that the rules are not the goal.  The commandments of God are the means to become like him, and since he is love, love must be the goal. - Ensign Article - The Love of God

Try to learn of God: read the scriptures; study the words of His latter-day prophets; choose to listen to the Father, and do the things He asks of us. ... -

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