Saturday, February 6, 2010

What are neas and sheum as found in Mosiah 9:9?

I read this passage and then I prayed to ask what neas were.  I felt that they were a fruit that grows on a bush or low plant.  I prayed and asked what is sheum, and the Lord said it was a grain similar to barley.

Then I asked google.  I found this site, and it says,
As it turns out sheum is a perfectly good Akkadian (ancient northern Mesopotamian) name for a grain dating to the third millennium B.C.37 This term, se um, (the s is pronounced sh in semitic languages) was a term by which these ancient Near Eastern peoples referred to barley, although it could also be applied to other kinds of grains.  Book of Mormon peoples seem to have applied this Old World name to some New World crop.
How exciting to have my revelation verified so quickly!  I am getting more and more confident in listening to the promptings of the spirit.  Who would think learning the definition of a word for barley could be so exciting. 

I also learned that people used to complain that the Book of Mormon listed barley as a grain, since no archeologists could find any evidence of barley in the Americas before the white man came.    This site states that:
Only in 1982 was evidence published demonstrating the presence of cultivated pre-Columbian barley in the New World (Sorenson, 1985, p. 184). 


  1. Good for You! I am so glad that there are people out there like me who care to know the truth on these things, and are willing to accept the answers given to us by the spirit. the scientists almost always catch up to the scriptures its kinda funny that way. keep studying!
