Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4-H class on Ham Radio

Kevin Kesler - taught 4-H class on Ham Radio

AARL 800-326-3942 - ask for power point for Ham radio

You can get ham radio coverage where cell phones don't.  Morse Code used to be required to get a licence, but not anymore.  Morse Code can be faster than texting.

You can talk to astronauts on the Space Station!  You can use a direction finder to locate a hidden transmitter or beacon.  In an emergency anyone can talk on a ham radio temporally.

Ham Radio Operators can offer Community Service - bike races, parade control, marathons
Ham Radios are good in an emergency.  They are the best solution for communication because they are not overloaded, not dependent on electric or phone lines, maintained by individuals, and antennas can be set up quickly.

Hurricane Katrina took out electric and phone poles, cell phone towers.  There was no regular communication so ham radio operators set up antennas and helped.

You can set up a ham radio box with old batteries from school fire alarms (schools have to replace the battery every 2 years and they are usually still good.)  You can even build your own radio if you want to.

Electromagnetic Spectrum  - get photo

United States Frequency Allocations - The Radio Spectrum - get photo
Stars = Ham Radio
HF radio can talk around the world (30 Megahertz) It is a lower frequency and it  bounces off atmosphere to talk around world.  - get photo

Tests - There is no age minimum to take the test.  It has 35 questions.  If you get 26 correct to pass.  You can take practice tests on the web.  There are 3 levels of License
•    Technician - basic level to be allowed to talk on radio
•    General - around the world
•    Extra - Higher level of licence

Ham Radio works with line of site.  When it is Radio to Radio it is called Simplex.  It can go 60-100 miles with little hand-helds if you have a  true line of site.  It can go around buildings and hills somewhat, but not as far.

A hand held radio = 5watt
A larger, more powerful box = 50watt

Prices for a handheld
$389-good one  VX7R model #

A Repeater on a mountain can only receive from one signal at a time but can send the signal out to everywhere at once.  A Reflector, however, can connect to multiple signals at a time.

Internet Radio Linking Project
Handheld - Repeater - Computer - Computer - Repeater - Handheld
This setup works around world because it connects through the internet.  It has nodes.  A node is like a telephone # - a place where the radio frequencies connect with the computer.  You can connect node to node, or place a call into a reflector.

KE7IEF = Kevin Kesler’s call sign

CQ = anybody want to talk?

My Grandpa’s call sign and information:
Call Sign: W0NAP, Licensee ID: L00207017
Grant Date: 01/31/2001, Expiration Date: 02/05/2011
Registrant: James E Dalley, 491 Hickory Circle, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
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