Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
- Pressboard Binders - take less room than 3 Ring Binders - to store old Notebooks Link to buy one
- Comb Book Binder Price: $29.99
- Robin Samson - Heart of Wisdom - Biblical Holidays
- Coloring the Classics Book and CD $19.95
Spanish Words in the Book of Mormon
** 1 Ne 3 **
anima = encourages
grabados = engraven
sobre = upon
vayáis = should go
traigáis = bring
Por lo que = wherefore
sino = but
quien = who
se = has
anima = encourages
grabados = engraven
sobre = upon
vayáis = should go
traigáis = bring
Por lo que = wherefore
sino = but
quien = who
se = has
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Where is Balaam from?
Balaam is asked by the king of Moab to come curse the Israelites. He wants to go but God tells him no. Obviously he cannot be an Israelite if the king of Moab is seeking for him to curse them. Interesting that God is aware of others besides the children of Israel. Often we forget that the Lord can reveal himself to anyone, not just his chosen people. Like Abish, the Lamanite woman who's father had a miraculous dream which converted his household to the Lord.
Image from:
Numbers 22:5 He sent messengers therefore unto Balaam the son of Beor to Pethor, which is by the river of the land of the children of his people,PETHOR - pe'-thor The dwelling-place of Balaam, situated on "the river" (the Euphrates). Here is a map showing where Balaam lived.
Image from:
Monday, April 26, 2010
Many of the Solar Women of Totogalpa use their solar box cookers to produce baked goods for sale (photo: Grupo Fenix)
Kevin Adair (left) hopes to distribute an additional 300 Global Sun Ovens in the Dominican Republic and Haiti by mid-2010 (photo: Kevin Adair) |
Club RESC:UE members give solar cooking and solar water pasteurization presentations at local events and schools (photo: Club RESC:UE) |
You can now donate solar cookers to offset your own carbon emissions.
- Solar Cookers International East Africa Office trainers traveled to the Kimilili District, Maeni Location, Kamusinde village of Kenya to train 36 community leaders involved with the Kamusinde Christian Community Based Organization in the use of solar cookers for cooking and water pasteurization.
Solar Ovens - The Tire Cooker
Khichdi – Rice with lentils
Image from:
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Amalekites are disenters from the Nephites.
We first hear about the Amalekites in Alma 21 when Aaron goes to preach to them. Apparently they dissented away from the Nephites, but we don't have that history. (Book of Mormon | Alma 21)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Licence -vs- License
In trying to remember how to spell this word I realized that my spell checker liked both spellings. So I wondered what was the difference!? I found this: “Licence” is a noun and “license” is a verb.
This is a blog that helped me understand the difference:
And this site is helpful too:
This is a blog that helped me understand the difference:
And this site is helpful too:
4-H class on Ham Radio
Kevin Kesler - taught 4-H class on Ham Radio
AARL 800-326-3942 - ask for power point for Ham radio
You can get ham radio coverage where cell phones don't. Morse Code used to be required to get a licence, but not anymore. Morse Code can be faster than texting.
You can talk to astronauts on the Space Station! You can use a direction finder to locate a hidden transmitter or beacon. In an emergency anyone can talk on a ham radio temporally.
Ham Radio Operators can offer Community Service - bike races, parade control, marathons
Ham Radios are good in an emergency. They are the best solution for communication because they are not overloaded, not dependent on electric or phone lines, maintained by individuals, and antennas can be set up quickly.
Hurricane Katrina took out electric and phone poles, cell phone towers. There was no regular communication so ham radio operators set up antennas and helped.
You can set up a ham radio box with old batteries from school fire alarms (schools have to replace the battery every 2 years and they are usually still good.) You can even build your own radio if you want to.
Electromagnetic Spectrum - get photo
United States Frequency Allocations - The Radio Spectrum - get photo
Stars = Ham Radio
HF radio can talk around the world (30 Megahertz) It is a lower frequency and it bounces off atmosphere to talk around world. - get photo
Tests - There is no age minimum to take the test. It has 35 questions. If you get 26 correct to pass. You can take practice tests on the web. There are 3 levels of License
• Technician - basic level to be allowed to talk on radio
• General - around the world
• Extra - Higher level of licence
Ham Radio works with line of site. When it is Radio to Radio it is called Simplex. It can go 60-100 miles with little hand-helds if you have a true line of site. It can go around buildings and hills somewhat, but not as far.
A hand held radio = 5watt
A larger, more powerful box = 50watt
Prices for a handheld
$389-good one VX7R model #
A Repeater on a mountain can only receive from one signal at a time but can send the signal out to everywhere at once. A Reflector, however, can connect to multiple signals at a time.
Internet Radio Linking Project
Handheld - Repeater - Computer - Computer - Repeater - Handheld
This setup works around world because it connects through the internet. It has nodes. A node is like a telephone # - a place where the radio frequencies connect with the computer. You can connect node to node, or place a call into a reflector.
KE7IEF = Kevin Kesler’s call sign
CQ = anybody want to talk?
My Grandpa’s call sign and information:
Call Sign: W0NAP, Licensee ID: L00207017
Grant Date: 01/31/2001, Expiration Date: 02/05/2011
Registrant: James E Dalley, 491 Hickory Circle, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Read more:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
the chief judge - bound by his own words
The people of Amonihah had just kicked out the men that believed in God and killed their women and children. The chief judge says to Alma and Amulek,
(Book of Mormon | Alma 14:24 - 26)
24 If ye have the power of God deliver yourselves from these bands, and then we will believe that the Lord will destroy this people according to your words.Then they all hit Alma and Amulek. Then Alma says,
26 ... O Lord, give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance. And they broke the cords with which they were bound; ...So Alma and Amulek just did exactly what the chief judge said, so now he is bound by his own words to believe that the Lord will destroy the people. So it makes perfect sense that...
"... when the people saw this, they began to flee, for the fear of destruction had come upon them."
(Book of Mormon | Alma 14:24 - 26)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A claiming horse race
We watched the movie "Dreamer." In the movie they race the horse in a claiming race and it gets claimed, which means they are forced to sell the horse. I looked it up online what a claiming horse race is. Basically all the horses entered in the race are for sale for about the same "claiming price." The point is to keep the horses in the race equal. If your horse is worth much more than the claiming price you wouldn't enter it in the race, so the quality of the horses are kept equal, which I guess makes for a more exciting race. The movie talked about the claim race as a cheep race, perhaps the entry fee is cheaper in that kind of race.
From this site:
From this site:
A claiming race is one in which the horses are all for sale for more or less the same price (the "claiming price") up until shortly before the race. The intent of this is to even the race; if a better-than-class horse is entered (with the expectation of an easy purse win), it might be lost for the claiming price, which is likely less than the horse is worth. Someone may wish to claim a horse if they think the horse has not been trained to its fullest potential under another trainer. If a horse is purchased, a track official tags it after the race, and it goes to its new owner.image from:
Monday, April 12, 2010
Vinegar can clean pet mess from the carpet!
- Carpet cleaner: This tip came from the professional carpet cleaner I hired to shampoo our carpet. For years we have been paying a lot of money buying commercial carpet cleaners for the times our dogs have accidents on the carpet. The cleaner said use a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the spot with it. Sure enough that worked like a charm for us.
I found this interesting web site by googling " becoming as Gods" as found in the Book of Mormon | Alma 12:31
"I originally wrote the book "Becoming God" as scientific approach to debunk spirituality and religion through a close examination of quantum physics, chaos theory, and neurobiology. For me, there was no mystery. Everything, I thought, could be explained by the forces of nature and through sciences that we are just now beginning to unravel. I soon discovered that I couldn't have been more wrong. The more I probed into this enigmatic subject, the more sure I was that science itself is not only intricately connected to spirituality, but is in fact a metaphor for spirituality."
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The convincing power of the Holy Ghost
"The convincing power of the Holy Ghost is so great that there can be no doubt that what He reveals to us is true.
President Joseph Fielding Smith said:
“When a man has the manifestation from the Holy Ghost, it leaves an indelible impression on his soul, one that is not easily erased. It is Spirit speaking to spirit, and it comes with convincing force. A manifestation of an angel, or even of the Son of God himself, would impress the eye and mind, and eventually become dimmed, but the impressions of the Holy Ghost sink deeper into the soul and are more difficult to erase” (Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 5 vols. [1957–66], 2:151).
President Smith also said, “Through the Holy Ghost the truth is woven into the very fibre and sinews of the body so that it cannot be forgotten” (Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56], 1:48)." (From Gospel Principles “Chapter 7: The Holy Ghost,” Gospel Principles, (2009),31–33)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Manna From Heaven Program - for an eating disorder
I found this web site about a solution to eating disorders. It is not a diet plan but a way to allow God to heal you.
Why Manna?
Why Choose the Manna From Heaven Program over others?
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
Manna - What is it?
Here is a photo of coriander seed.
Here is a video about what Manna might have been. It is very likely that manna is still growing in the desert there. We still have the Sea Gulls in Salt Lake City.
nowheretorun1984 — September 16, 2008 — In this 9 min video I make a case that the Manna spoken of in the Bible may be the Terfezia and Tirmania Desert Truffles of the Middle east region.
here are some factors I considered
- Sustenance capability
- Geography
- habitat
- it is said that manna was white and tasted like wafers in honey.
- Numbers 11:7 adds that manna was like coriander seed, the color of bdellium,
- Numbers 11:8 adds that it could be ground, pounded, boiled and made into cakes.
- Timing of Manna Fall
- Appeared overnight in the morning
- It becomes infested with maggots when left out,
- It melts in the sun
- It is Small and round
- And it appears suddenly, without seed or root.
Images from:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Israel Crossing the Red Sea
From this site:
View Larger Map
There have been various groups who have been trying to determine if this indeed could have been the exact place that the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea. In all of the Gulf of Aqaba, this would have been the only probable location that they might have crossed for there is a natural (supernatural) land bridge between the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas, under the water. As well, there are very interesting, and strange coral formations found there that are not found anywhere else in the Gulf of Aqaba that may be the remnants of Pharaohs chariots. As one diver observed, it looked like a junkyard with debris strewn throughout the sandy bottom. It should be noted that coral needs something that it can form on and will not stick to sand. This might suggest that at one time or another there has been something deposited on the sandy bottom for the coral to start forming there.
Gulf of Aqaba
View Larger Map
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Love and Fruit
Alma 5:36 For behold, the time is at hand that whosoever bringeth forth not good fruit, or whosoever doeth not the works of righteousness, the same have cause to wail and mourn.
1 Ne 11: 22-23 Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw? 22 And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God
Every scripture can be looked at in at least 3 different ways. If fruit is love, then you could read Alma 5:36 to say, if you don't have love, you will mourn. Also this can lead us to see "works" in another light. We often think of works as things we do, like pay tithing, go to church, serve others, and on and on. Often we confuse this list with the requirements to get into heaven. But if the works are actually love, then we just need to make sure that all our actions come from love, then we get into heaven.
Love is the key, not a checklist.
1 Ne 11: 22-23 Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw? 22 And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God
Every scripture can be looked at in at least 3 different ways. If fruit is love, then you could read Alma 5:36 to say, if you don't have love, you will mourn. Also this can lead us to see "works" in another light. We often think of works as things we do, like pay tithing, go to church, serve others, and on and on. Often we confuse this list with the requirements to get into heaven. But if the works are actually love, then we just need to make sure that all our actions come from love, then we get into heaven.
Love is the key, not a checklist.
Speaker for the Dead Vocabulary & Notes
Utlanning - the human stranger from another part of our world
Framling - the human stranger from another world
Raman - the stranger we recognise as human, but it of another species
Varelse - the true alien, which includes all animals for with them no conversation is possible. They live but we cannot guess
bieah planet will settle Lucitania
1886 named planet Lucitania
porquinos - piggies
pipo depends on rooter
rooter peckenio youngling that plays, and watched
rooter sets traps for pipo
clowned and played like the
father sticks - beat, noise brought Mandushova out he spoke portuguese, M. called to rooter in the Mayo's language and then in Portuguese
Framling - the human stranger from another world
Raman - the stranger we recognise as human, but it of another species
Varelse - the true alien, which includes all animals for with them no conversation is possible. They live but we cannot guess
bieah planet will settle Lucitania
1886 named planet Lucitania
porquinos - piggies
pipo depends on rooter
rooter peckenio youngling that plays, and watched
rooter sets traps for pipo
clowned and played like the
father sticks - beat, noise brought Mandushova out he spoke portuguese, M. called to rooter in the Mayo's language and then in Portuguese
Friday, April 2, 2010
4H Leadermete - Portfolios
Why do a portfolio?
Good for compiling all records of life, stirling scholar, resumes, college scholarship applications
County 4-H scholarship - Utah state will match funds - Loralee Lyons is in charge of this - call her for questions
scholarships are awarded off of portfolios, the county decides who get the $
Where do I start?
Keep receipts, etc., use proper forms, follow examples
Look at Guidelines
Check the due dates - Oct 1 for county, Feb 1 for State
The portfolios are entered into a competition to win scholarships or a trip.
Good for compiling all records of life, stirling scholar, resumes, college scholarship applications
County 4-H scholarship - Utah state will match funds - Loralee Lyons is in charge of this - call her for questions
scholarships are awarded off of portfolios, the county decides who get the $
Where do I start?
Keep receipts, etc., use proper forms, follow examples
Look at Guidelines
Check the due dates - Oct 1 for county, Feb 1 for State
The portfolios are entered into a competition to win scholarships or a trip.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
4H Leadermete - Backyard Beekeeping
Rough Draft Notes - not formatted
Shawn Heaton 801-226-8268 - he will help you
Terms -
Queen - 2000 eggs a day from up to 20 drones in a day or 2, lay eggs for 3 years
queen hatches after 16 days
Workers - 21 days
Drone -24 days
Photo - comparison of the three types of bees from :
if you don't have enough brood each time you check the hive, then your queen is gone
if you kill the queen you need to get another one
the queen bee is proof that you are what you eat, queen becomes queen from eating royal jelly
the queen will be surrounded by about 12 younger bees
Bees never go to sleep and live 45 days in the summer but 5 months in the winter, they don't go to the bathroom all winter long if it is really cold
package pop. growth chart
queen lives 3-4 years, but isn't much good after 2 years
if the half moon shape is not a solid pattern, then she is worn out.
why do bees buzz?
you'd buzz too if someone stole your honey
buy beekeeping for dummies
First lessons in beekeeping
hardware -
will sting through clothes
wear loose pants - coveralls
225-5868 LeRoy Heaton in Orem has lots of boxes he built for others
- queen makes a queen substance to communicate
smoking makes them not be able to communicate, and they think there is a fire, so they put their head in to get the honey out,
or they want fresh air, instead of stinging you
covers attack pheremone
if you smoke it too much they may grab all your honey and take off
put syurp on bees and then they are busy licking themselves off instead of stinging you
bees sting more based on the conditions of the day - time, weather, what is going on, working bees won't sting so if it is cloudy -the bees aren't working as hard, watch out
powdered sugar
diseases -fowl brood, mix medicine with pow. sugar to fix it
to get the honey out you slice the cappings off
then you put frame in the spinner and the wax is spun out
capping - turn into wax, for candles and chapstick
take honey off the end of july
some places will give you 1/2 the honey if you will let their hives sit on your land
make the holes too small for a mouse to get into
what do you do in the winter time?
put boxes that don't have honey in them where they are safe from mice
if we could only be as good as a bee
1 April - bees collect from early blossoms
Apri, may June, july Aug - queen lays eggs
April - May Swarming time
May 15- Aug - building honey
Aug - Sept - take off honey
Oct - March - dormant period, ball of bees clustered in the middle
how far from the house should you put a hive?
laws abt this - some people put them on their back porch
90 plants that bees love, on web site - what kind of field
blue leatrice - favorite purple flower
licence $10 a year for up to 20 hives
$25 for more
annual fee
because bees are endangered, and problem-matic govt wants control to do studies to know how bees are doing and information,
65% of what you eat has to be pollinated.
feed them syrup -
When do you set up your first hive? - April 1st
put package in in mid april
order the end of december or there might not be any to buy
Italian Honey Bee - beginners use it
Carniolans - colder weather
Natural Beekeeping - not use chemicals - has books to buy
$60 for bees
to get started
1. books, library, magazines
2. clugs - local chapter of bee keepers -Utah County does a good job
-essay contest "be a beekeeper"- prizes = 2 brood boxes, bottom board, clothing, tools
3. people - mentors
- beekeeping clubs will assign you a mentors
4. online
5. friends
used to be 4,000,000 colonies, now only 2 million
government is involved in promoting it
Take raw honey to the neighbors to prevent them from being angry or causing problems, tell them how good the honey is for them, allergies, food storage,
Shawn Heaton 801-226-8268 - he will help you
Terms -
- Apiary - where your hives are
- Bee Space - amount of space a bee needs to crawl
- Brood - unborn bees
- Brood Box - the box where the bees are raising their bees, usually the bottom 2 or 3 boxes, leave honey for the bees, above boxes are honey for you
- Boxes can go 7-8 high
- Comb - where they store the honey
- Draw - to draw comb ..... missed it
- Frame - must be removable by law,
- There is a beekeeping liscence
- Hive - one column or one or more super
- nectar - from flower
- package - container of bees with a queen in the mail
- - how to load the package of bees
- pollen - what a bee lives on - protein
- propolis - bee glue
- save it -worth $25 an ounce
- sealed barges?
- super - a box you gather honey into, can be same box for the hive
- when full can weigh 60 lbs.
- shallow supers are easier to move around
- bee brush to sweep bees off
Queen - 2000 eggs a day from up to 20 drones in a day or 2, lay eggs for 3 years
queen hatches after 16 days
Workers - 21 days
Drone -24 days
Photo - comparison of the three types of bees from :
if you don't have enough brood each time you check the hive, then your queen is gone
if you kill the queen you need to get another one
the queen bee is proof that you are what you eat, queen becomes queen from eating royal jelly
the queen will be surrounded by about 12 younger bees
Bees never go to sleep and live 45 days in the summer but 5 months in the winter, they don't go to the bathroom all winter long if it is really cold
package pop. growth chart
queen lives 3-4 years, but isn't much good after 2 years
if the half moon shape is not a solid pattern, then she is worn out.
why do bees buzz?
you'd buzz too if someone stole your honey
buy beekeeping for dummies
First lessons in beekeeping
hardware -
- half suit
- jacket with hood and net on face
- hat with net $25
- buy online
- jones bee in SLC 5th south 24th west
- twilla - harvest lane honey
- gloves that go up to elbows
- paint suit
- turn collar up
will sting through clothes
wear loose pants - coveralls
225-5868 LeRoy Heaton in Orem has lots of boxes he built for others
- the more you get stung the less it hurts
- don't grab stinger and squeeze
- it puts venum in
- use sharp thing to get stinger out
- don't pinch, scoop it out
- reactions - normal
- red
- swelling
- not normal
- second or 3rd sting will determine if you are allergic
- purposefully get stung 3 times before investing in bees
- allergic
- swell, cant breath, rash,
- remove stinger out right away, put a penny on the spot, or a wet tea packet, or honey
- don't swat at a bee, move it lightly
- don't move quick, your eye lids move quickly so duck your head, cover eyes, stop moving, cover in bush, move methodical
- queen makes a queen substance to communicate
smoking makes them not be able to communicate, and they think there is a fire, so they put their head in to get the honey out,
or they want fresh air, instead of stinging you
covers attack pheremone
if you smoke it too much they may grab all your honey and take off
put syurp on bees and then they are busy licking themselves off instead of stinging you
bees sting more based on the conditions of the day - time, weather, what is going on, working bees won't sting so if it is cloudy -the bees aren't working as hard, watch out
powdered sugar
diseases -fowl brood, mix medicine with pow. sugar to fix it
to get the honey out you slice the cappings off
then you put frame in the spinner and the wax is spun out
capping - turn into wax, for candles and chapstick
take honey off the end of july
some places will give you 1/2 the honey if you will let their hives sit on your land
make the holes too small for a mouse to get into
what do you do in the winter time?
put boxes that don't have honey in them where they are safe from mice
if we could only be as good as a bee
1 April - bees collect from early blossoms
Apri, may June, july Aug - queen lays eggs
April - May Swarming time
May 15- Aug - building honey
Aug - Sept - take off honey
Oct - March - dormant period, ball of bees clustered in the middle
how far from the house should you put a hive?
laws abt this - some people put them on their back porch
90 plants that bees love, on web site - what kind of field
blue leatrice - favorite purple flower
licence $10 a year for up to 20 hives
$25 for more
annual fee
because bees are endangered, and problem-matic govt wants control to do studies to know how bees are doing and information,
65% of what you eat has to be pollinated.
feed them syrup -
When do you set up your first hive? - April 1st
put package in in mid april
order the end of december or there might not be any to buy
Italian Honey Bee - beginners use it
- mild
Carniolans - colder weather
- mild
Natural Beekeeping - not use chemicals - has books to buy
$60 for bees
to get started
1. books, library, magazines
2. clugs - local chapter of bee keepers -Utah County does a good job
-essay contest "be a beekeeper"- prizes = 2 brood boxes, bottom board, clothing, tools
3. people - mentors
- beekeeping clubs will assign you a mentors
4. online
5. friends
used to be 4,000,000 colonies, now only 2 million
government is involved in promoting it
Take raw honey to the neighbors to prevent them from being angry or causing problems, tell them how good the honey is for them, allergies, food storage,
4-H Leadermete - Online Safety
Rick Cline presented, he will come and present this anywhere (I think within Utah) he is requested.
We watched a video about Alex. There was a bully at school named Big Mike. Alex tattled, and it was okay to tattle, and the adults solved the problem at school. However Big Mike sent him text messages every minute saying he was going to kill him after school the next day. He also sent him threatening emails. Alex tattled again, his parents saved the text messages and emails and put them on a CD, which they gave to the principal. This solved the problem again.
Apparently it is a criminal offense to make a physical threat like Big Mike did.
The web site listed above has free videos anyone can download, copyright free.
Filter the Internet - We filter our water, why not the internet?
free - filter and monitor
iphone apps can filter
Our children's technology world.
From this site
5 Basic Tips to Keeping Kids Safer Online NetSafeUtah - Internet Safety for Utah's kids
The Internet is wonderful
Laws can help, but they don't extend to other countries, so you need education.
Everyone can get tricked to accidentally see a site, or download a virus.
Youth need to be allowed to become independent, and they are going to make mistakes. We need to help prevent permanently damaging mistakes.
Kids who are at risk of being exploited in the real world are also at risk online, but the kids who are not at risk in the real world are not usually exploited online. It is a threat, but not a big one.
Potential Risks
Reduce risk
Why avoid porn?
We watched a video about Alex. There was a bully at school named Big Mike. Alex tattled, and it was okay to tattle, and the adults solved the problem at school. However Big Mike sent him text messages every minute saying he was going to kill him after school the next day. He also sent him threatening emails. Alex tattled again, his parents saved the text messages and emails and put them on a CD, which they gave to the principal. This solved the problem again.
Apparently it is a criminal offense to make a physical threat like Big Mike did.
The web site listed above has free videos anyone can download, copyright free.
Filter the Internet - We filter our water, why not the internet?
free - filter and monitor
iphone apps can filter
Our children's technology world.
- Phones - texting, photos
- iPods, mp3 players - videos, photos, music
- Computers - social networking, - online gaming
- Game Consoles -PlayStation, Nintendo, xbox 360
From this site
Your kids can fill in the blanks. Can you?
LOL: Laughing Out Loud
Protect your child’s online life.
HDOP: help delete online predators
5 Basic Tips to Keeping Kids Safer Online NetSafeUtah - Internet Safety for Utah's kids
The Internet is wonderful
- Accessible from everywhere
- Communicate with family, friends, others
- Information, homework, entertainment, current news, libraries,
- Accessible from everywhere
- Communicate with family, friends, others
- Information, homework, entertainment, current news, libraries,
- identity theft
- predators
- porn
- drugs
Laws can help, but they don't extend to other countries, so you need education.
Everyone can get tricked to accidentally see a site, or download a virus.
Youth need to be allowed to become independent, and they are going to make mistakes. We need to help prevent permanently damaging mistakes.
Kids who are at risk of being exploited in the real world are also at risk online, but the kids who are not at risk in the real world are not usually exploited online. It is a threat, but not a big one.
Potential Risks
Learn More About These Risks
Internet applications and tools provide opportunities for people to communicate and share information, but also provide an easy way for the wrong people and information to get to minor children. Explore each of the Internet risks and tools below to learn more.
Internet Fraud | ||
Online Solicitation | ||
Pop-up Ads | ||
Sexual Exploitation | ||
Spyware | ||
Stalking | ||
Web Blogs | Web Cam |
Reduce risk
- anti-virus, spyware
- software updated
- "free" offers
- google web sites then go from link
Why avoid porn?
- addictive
- interferes with relationships
- changes personalities
- initiates a habit of lying
- difficult to cure
4-H Leadermete - Archery in the Schools - Monti Poulson taught class last minute because the teacher wasn't able to show. Teacher should have been: RaLynne Takeda (801) 538-4710, (801) 538-4753,
All manuals online,
for 3rd - 6th grade - Long Bows
5-6 - smaller compounds - good bow, Genisis $250 at Jakes through archery in the schools $150
They can tell you where to get grant money to buy bows.
20 bows worked for 40 kids - gave kids a break from tired arms
Have students hold hands together with hole, have them look at teacher through hole. Teacher will see one eye, that is the dominate eye.
right eye dominant- use a right handed bow
right handed -but left eye dominant - try left bow, can switch
Women in the Outdoors the wildlife turkey federation - organization, source to partner with
How to enter archery stuff in the fair
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for 3rd - 6th grade - Long Bows
5-6 - smaller compounds - good bow, Genisis $250 at Jakes through archery in the schools $150
They can tell you where to get grant money to buy bows.
20 bows worked for 40 kids - gave kids a break from tired arms
Have students hold hands together with hole, have them look at teacher through hole. Teacher will see one eye, that is the dominate eye.
right eye dominant- use a right handed bow
right handed -but left eye dominant - try left bow, can switch
- left handed - need left gun because nose gets kicked otherwise
- used bales of straw, stuffed animals, stuffed Barney, for targets,
took metal hangers, curled one in and skewered stuffed animals, to use as target practice - you can teach archery from Archery in the Schools lesson manuals.
- Students enjoy taking a photo of how well they hit the target.
- Arrows have a nubbed nose, not much of a point, just enough to penetrate a bale of straw.
- When kids put arrow down, pull it out straight out or straight up, so it won't bend.
- Arrows have 2 colors of feathers, make the odd color out on the outside of the bow to save them from being ruined. when you draw back the two similar colors are flat and don't get hung up on string.
- By the 3rd week the kids are nailing a 20 ft target. $4 a piece for cheep arrow,
- because of the danger involved you have to be extremely strict in the beginning of the program.
- To get assistants, ask for students studying to be PE teachers, they need service hours.
- 10 weeks once a week.
- one adult for every 10 kids
- afterschool program, if a teacher does it during school, easier to get grant. Also if the school writes the grant with you it is easier to get the grant.
Women in the Outdoors the wildlife turkey federation - organization, source to partner with
How to enter archery stuff in the fair
- Mountain men redevous - make fleece coat like mountain men wear
- fishing kit - pvc pipe, becomes pole, in a bag, wrap fishing thread around pvc pipe,
- first aid kits - in ziplock bag, in altoids box, (have each kid bring an altoids box to camp)
- whistle in archery, one blow, two blows,
- don't put it in sewing division
- do county contest at the fair
- make a 4-H email.
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