Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Before the fall, Adam and Eve had physical bodies but no blood.

The Bible Dictionary says, "Before the fall, Adam and Eve had physical bodies but no blood. There was no sin, no death, and no children among any of the earthly creations. With the eating of the “forbidden fruit,” Adam and Eve became mortal, sin entered, blood formed in their bodies, and death became a part of life."

In researching this, I found many sites using this text in the bible dictionary to fuel their anti-Mormon literature.    They are bothered that we believe contradictory things, that Adam was created with flesh and blood and that he didn't have blood before the fall.

I guess, the process of creation was not complete until the fall.  Thus it can still be said that Adam was created with flesh and blood.  

Reading a comment to this post reminded me of something. Just because someone states something does not make it true. They might have a lot of knowledge, a high level church calling, or are a prophet. It does not matter, that is not the basis for TRUTH. Truth is what it is, and cannot be changed just because someone says something. I plan to ask the Lord what is true in this case.
January 25, 2010 5:21 PM
I prayed about it and the Lord confirmed what is in the LDS Bible Dictionary .
Blogger look4rainbows said...
From this site: I learned that the LDS bible dictionary is mostly copied, with permission from the Cambridge University Press Bible Dictionary. It was not written mostly by Bruce R Mcconkie, but rather a committee was in charge. Thomas S. Monson was the president of the committee and delegated the writing of the dictionary to Robert J. Matthews. The wiki states that "Despite being packaged with the LDS publication of the Bible, the Bible Dictionary is not part of the LDS Church's open canon of scripture. Its preface states that "[i]t is not intended as an official or revealed endorsement by the Church of the doctrinal, historical, cultural, and other matters set forth.""


  1. This reference to adam and eve having no blood disturbs me a little. Bruce R MacKonkie had a vast understanding of the scriptures when he wrote major portions of the bible dictionary, but i wonder if there are actually any scriptures or quotes from LDS Prophets that state that this is canonical doctrine?

  2. Reading your post reminded me of something. Just because someone states something does not make it true. They might have a lot of knowledge, a high level church calling, or are a prophet. It does not matter, that is not the basis for TRUTH. Truth is what it is, and cannot be changed just because someone says something. I plan to ask the Lord what is true in this case.

  3. From this site:

    I learned that the LDS bible dictionary is mostly copied, with permission from the Cambridge University Press Bible Dictionary.

    It was not written mostly by Bruce R Mcconkie, but rather a committee was in charge. Thomas S. Monson was the president of the committee and delegated the writing of the dictionary to Robert J. Matthews.

    The wiki states that "Despite being packaged with the LDS publication of the Bible, the Bible Dictionary is not part of the LDS Church's open canon of scripture. Its preface states that "[i]t is not intended as an official or revealed endorsement by the Church of the doctrinal, historical, cultural, and other matters set forth.""
